Saturday, 13 October 2012

Not So Much A Wake-More The Struggle Continues

Over recent weeks the SOS Brent Libraries has been not just a contested issue,but so is its continuation.

I'm just one of the "footsoldiers" in the Save Preston Library camapiagn which in turn is just one of now 7 camapignsthat make up this loose coalition.

Several of the campaigns have gone down the road of establishing community libraries run by volunteers as Brent Council have it appears broken their"good intentions",to put it no higher,to estanlish a new relationships with the community.Within afew days of Cllr.butt being elected leader of the Labour Group/leader of the council he expressed some sort of desire for this new relationship with the community.He made some kindof commitment that nothing else would be changed or moved until a meeting had taken place with the community(ies).Within less than a further a raid took place on Kensal Rise library under police gard when at soemthing like 3am the boosk were removed by council staff/security company,which included the removal of the plaque marking the opening of the librray in the 1880s by Mark Twain,and the 1930s murals from the internal walls.Cllr.But may have been caught our by this.It may be an aelement of his"row"with  the ex council chief executive.I do not know whether actually he was complicet.

Since then the Council have handed 2 sets of library buildings back to the Oxfor University Colleges who own the freeholds,both of which make explicit that the buildings must remain libraries.The council may be making some realtively small savings onrents and leaseholds but it cannot gain any other income from the buildings by other use or sale.This has given away 2 libraries which it is now difficult to see reopened unless the respective community campaigns opt for some community library model.

The Preston Park area library is to be remodeelled as an overflow school for the next few years.Its future beyond that is unsure but i would suggest that getting it back as a library,now it is not one,will be more difficult than had it remained open on some basis or event empty.There is a lot of resistanec to clousre,there is almost as much resistance to it being aschool but a schoolis better than  sale and resisting a school is quite difficult to campaign around.This especially the case where much of the community,in any of the  areas might assume that it might have looked to the labour Party,Labour  Group,Labour Council for support,advice,guidance leta loen a defene of publicly fned libraries.That has been impossible where the Labur Party in whatever guise has not shown a single sign of fighting back or resisting cuts.Is it surprising that many feel they have no choice but to campaign for a community library or to be left with nothing.This in turn has not been helped when members of the Labour Party who might be dissidents from the cuts have walked away from the campaigns rather than stand and fight,even  as a minorit,even a s a losing minority in some of the campaigns.

Let me make clear my own position here.When the campaign locally was launched I became involved when the 1st public meeeting was organised in February its credit the local committee did a lot of reasearch and presented a critique of local authority plans and considered a number of other alternatives,some of which presents variant cut options.I was one amongst a nmber fo speakers from the floor which included other local residents and members of other campaigns in the group,who oppossed ALL and ANY options that simply passed the cuts  elsewhere.This was the view taken in the Preston Park area.when a journalist approached me for an interview I indicated that I was happy to be quoted but that any quote shoudl not be attributed to me,as I was away fro  work on lig term sickness at the time and that such direct quotation might either complucate or make my situatin more difficult.Due to the complexities of my particular sitauion as well as il health itself,i took a back seat but supported the campaign as best i could and "fed in"my opinion and acted as a sounding board for other activists,particularly my partner who has been a member of the committe of the SPLC through most of its life.

The campaign continued.In February 2012 i made a similar,militant contribution to the debate inthe pubic meeting,but remained a supporter of the camapaign.I was however lucky enough to be given an  opportunity by Chris of BNCTV(or is it BCNTV?)to be intervied as a campaign supporter,specificaly for my militant position.I wa shappy to do it,was encouraged to be forthright in my marxist,revolutionary outlook of the situation and indeed have some pride in the work i did with Chris.I subsequently inroduced him to other stories...

However,when at a Brent FightBack Meeting about the NHS campaign i argued that SOS Brent Libraries,as a community based campaign fighting the cuts should have speaker on the platform,both i and the campaign was charicatured as lib.dems,opposed to state funding,anarchists and as untrustworthy on a variety of bases.It was like being talked about along the lines of"does he take sugar?"and I'm afraid i lay some of the blame for the situatiin at the feet of those who walk away from campaigns when those campaigns won't embrace particular advocated positions,especially when it is the Labour Party/Council making the cuts!

The plan to convert the library to a school wsa suppossed to take 3 months.Six months on the work has finally begun.About 10 days ago the library building was barricaaded in preparatin for that conversion and refurbishment to begun.Going past the library these last few days has been for me and many others a very sad experience,as the building looks more an  more like  avacant uncaed for fortress awaiting execution to mix metaphors badly.

Last night i wrote a short valedictory piece of Brent Tusc,Counihan Battlebus and my own timeline on facebook,caling on support for todays Torch of learning event,linking 6 of the closed libraries and ending with a wake at the local hostelry tonight.I called on comrades in other campaigns and organisations to"come rally!",that this was a turning point and that the situation was MAYDAY,MAYDAY!

Then this evening Jimmy Mac,effectivey the convenor and certainly leading activist in the Counihan Sanchez family campaign drove me home after campaigning with them,in the battlebus,we passed Preston Park Library.On the fence thatbguards it were flowers,posters and banners both advertising the event,and calling agin for OUR librray to be re-opened.There were also a number of black flag flying.Although these are funereal rather tha symbols of Anarchy(ah!Anarchy!)-and thisis the nearest certain labour party members will find of anarchy in this locality-more the pity-at least it indicates we stiil have hope and still love our library....

Th truggle continues.Jim drpped me at the Windermere Pub.i entered the wake where there were some subtle surprisse and interesting cntradictions,but the struggle DOES continue!

Lotta Continua!

(to be continued)

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

The Counihan-Sanchez Family Campaign Takes A Giant Step

Within only a few weeks of its foundation on 14th August,the Counihan Sanchez Family Campaign got into an unfaltering and self confident stride.I don't know who originated the idea for a demonstration.It will undoubtedly have been one of the women who play such a strong and leading part in this campaign,although actually it does not matter much because so much of this campaign does genuinely seem to be collaborative and co-operative.

The idea took off and bearing in mind other important actions planned in this community,we settled n and worked hard for the demonstration that took place last Saturday,6th October 2012.

Arranging it was not straightforward but we let nothing stand in our wayWhen the Metropolitan Police and the intransigent local authority sought to put major obstacles in our way-that we would have to pay £1200 for policing and that we would be restricted to marching on the pavement or be arrested,we simply"stepped back",sought legal advice and went back into the fray.This resulted in an unprecedented letter of apology from the Metropolitan Police that indicated it was entireky reasonable to march in the road,and that we would not be charged financially either,nor arrested for carrying out our legal rights.

We then set about dividing tasks for the day and got on with it.Everyone played their full part,and it paid off on the day.

Saturday 6th October came-a bright autumn day,and it stayed that way meterologically and every other way for us.I think like a lot of us,and despite being a seasoned,experienced activist,i started off the day with acombinatin of excitement and nervousness.

The protest was due to start at 2.30pm with a few speeches and some further organising that can only be done in situ on the day.Some of us agreed to arrive early to assist with preparations.As me and my comrade Sandra arrived just a few minutes in advance of the time agreed,it was clear that people were already gathering.

Indeed it was impressive that the local RCG/Revolutionary Communist Group comrades had moved their own solidarity work with the presidential elections in Venezuela last weekend,to join us in Kilburn Square. Numbers swelled as campaigners,friends of the campaign and aotgers arrived in numbers and often with banners.Already an open,inviting,fraternal and friendly atmosphere was developing.Contingents included Kilburn Against Workfare,Global Womens Network,Kilburn Unemployed Workers Group,whose original initiative had led to the establishment of this campaign  arrived.So too did Brent Trades Council and SWAN/Social Work Actin Network.I spent some time introducing various campaigners to others and co-ordinating speakers.Unfortunately we did not have the Brent TUSC/Trade Unions and  Socialists Coalition banner-i i suspect it might have been being carried on another demonstration,but otherwise would have been unweildy for us,simply because I was occupied on one set of tasks and Sandra on making a news video of the event which she has psted in avariety fo places.As people gathered,members of the family and the wider campaig made speeches promoting our cause,which served to make links also with other campaigns and issues but also to press hme the pressure on the local council,and particularly its leader,Cllr.Butt who have the power and ability to end the misery of this family now and to begin a fight back against the cuts!Highlights included Carol,a fervent campaign member who has worked particularly hard raising moey for the campaign and in relation to her own trades union,the RMT/Rail,Marine,Transport and Barney of the Revolutionary Communist Group who in making links with Venezuela and Cuba,made clear that the struggle was both interntaional and linked by common concerns about living standards and housing.I stressed the need to link campiagns,with references to localissues and the importance of the Council  dealing with bth this family and figthing the cuts now or face an increasingly determined and growing campaign to fight back!Anthony Counhihan focussed on the increasingly heartbreaking situation of his own family,and its efforts with the campaign to fight back.Donna spoke stressing the importance of campaigns rooted in the community and demanding that the local council take resonsibility for both this and other famies and to lead a fightback against cuts.John Tymon made a rousing speech spelling out the attack on the comunity and the class and reinforcing the need to fight back,as well as the unique and courageous contribution to that struggle the counihans and this campaign are making!

Approximately on time the demonstration set off in good order along its route,along ashort stretch of Kilburn High Road,singing its own song,written by one of the campaign members,Alan Wheatley and to the chants also emblazoned on our banner demanding housing for the Counihans,and indeed Housing for all.

I think that somewhat stung by the necessary climbdown of the local police,they made a decision to police our demonstration properly.To their credit,they policed with alight touch,and apart from a vain attempt to suggest we walk on the pavement,they did ensure the safety of the demonstration.They also seemed to respond well to the authoritative and sensitive directions of the chief steward,Nicki Jameson,who made every effort to ensure that the march proceeded at the pace of the slowest-children and those with difficulties at the front.I certainly felt safer than on another local demonstration a few weeks ago.

It was a spirited demonstration of 200-300 people.we made  astop at the old address of Nygel Firminger,who comitted suicide following running into difficultes with employment,benefit,increasing debt and again what i have called the"casual indifference"or brutality of institutions and agencies dealing with him,but which offerred no help to him.His best friend Nic,offerred a speech which gave some insight into Nygels life and last hours.We all honoured Nygel who every instinct tells us is"a fallen comrade",with a minutes silence before moving on.Nic told me later that the reverence shown along with its care to him,gave him some closure in what has clearly a painful road for Nic.this again makes clear he indifference of thoes who "ought to have cared,set against the palpable affection in which we and the wider community hold Nygel.We all hope Nygel will rest in peace,but that we should never forget him.Whilst the sstem victimised him,we should also not forget that as  amember of Kilburn Unemployed Workers Group,he was also a class fighter!

We continued our march,with our song alternating with chants-the slogans of the campaign and also"Who's streets?Our Streets!".I admit when i got to lead the chanting i could not resist the musicality of"What does democracy look like?This is what democracy looks like!"which seems to have its rots in the Wisconsin demnsrations of the winter of 2010.Along the way our comrade,Sandra wh is also a TUSC member made a poignant speech about the impact of cuts an dausterity n the apsirations ofyoung people,facing debt and blighted lives whatever way they turn,and hinting at an alternative vision of how things might be.

Arriving at the rally site,the Peel Precinct at the South Kilburn/Carlton Estate,we rallied to speeches from Sarah Counihan and Isobel Sanchez,daughter and mother,followed by Ted a supporter who came all the way from Milton Keynesand who spoke movingly of his own experience.Speeches also included Jane from London SWAN/Social Work Action Network who pressed home that many social wokers wanted to practice a social work that embodied humanity and humane values,along with a commitment to campaigning with/alongside campaigns precisely like our own..Tracey stressed the importance of people  fighting back and the importance of widening and strengthening the campaign.Barney added that whilst Brent does nothing about anything,the Venezuelan government is planning t build 3,000,000 over the 4-5years!I expressed my rage  that Cllr.Butt appears again to have broken a commitment to  meet with the Counihan Family.whilst it turns out that this may have arisen from a"genuine misunderstanding",it remains the case that Cllr.Butt only responds to pressure and that any concern has not been matched by any contstructive chnage or improvement in famiy circumstances.I indicated that on eof my responses to this is to prepare with the willing co-operation of the family,and"alternative social work report"which might assist us to develop the campaign further and to put more pressure on those council bodies with the power anddiscretion to make a diference.

The day ended on a great high,which was not just built on good feeling.We took a great step forward with our demonstration.We made an impact,and we now have further actions planned,when we will have to step up again and again  until we win!

As a committee of a dozen or so from a public meeting of 50,we now have several hundred supporters and several hundred bodily and visually supported us on the dmeonstration.Now there is more to do,and more support to gain.We already impact well above our numbers.Now we need to strike the kind of blows against council complacency to win!Once we  win this struggle,it will be time in turn,to generalise and to hone the skills and the"cout"that comes from organised self activity
in our class to  win the fights of other families and individuals who are being institutiinaly aused and victimised by the cuts.If and when we roll back one set of cuts around THIS family we can have the confidence to roll bac and to win more!I would urge all those who want to fught cuts and austerity and to to build a socety built on different values and priorites to join us!

For those of us in TUSC/Trade Union and Socialist Coalition key weapons in such a fight a needs led budget,whih requires us all to start by fighting all cuts.Inthe face of the sytematic failure of the Labour Party,locally and natinalky,this begs questions about indpendent working class political representation.That for me is firmly centred on the self-activity of our own people,our own class.It is no longer,if it ever was about anyone doing something for us,but as CJ put it so well"if you won't do it,we won't wait,we will do it ourselves".And the key clause in that sentence is"WE WILL DO IT FOR OURSELVES!"