in spain,the people at the bottom of the economic pile who suffer most the indignities of austerity policies form state and capital,as the capitalists attempt to resolve the crisis now endemic in their own capitalist system,call themselves"the indignant"(los indignacios-excuse me if this ignorant brit has that in damaged spanish)
perhaps now,in britain in a similar position could call themselves"the deleted".
let me explain.
until the start of 2012,i worked in the london probation trust(lpt),part in turn of the national offender management service(noms)which in turn leads back to the ministry of justice/criminal justice part of the ideologically driven political and economic attack on OUR class(the working class,or the 99%)of the tories,and the equally ideologically driven attack of the con-dem gang(sorry i refuse to acknowledge they have any legitimacy.they are NOT a government,they are a gang)on our class as part of austerity and cuts-these"clowns" are privatising a key element of london probation trust in a sale of community payback(what used to be called community service)to the private sector.
that involves amongst other things the transfer of some probation staff to that private sector employer,with certain limited protection of the terms and conditions of those staff.this process is supposed to involve consultation and disclosure to staff and unions key information inrelation to contracts,terms and conditions etc.despite persistent and very patient efforts by our trades union,our employer is hiding behind business confidentiality to hide everything,and in the process appears to be lying to,misleading and misinforming staff-and surprise,surprise blaming the union.
neither individual not groups of staff are being properly informed about anything.its ok for me im no longer employed by them,but colleagues only know anything because of aleaked letter sent it appears in error to another unrelated staff member in error which refers insultingly and shocking to the 66 members of staff to be made redundant as"deleted".
nothing is clear,and when management fails to provide any information suspicion and distrust and worse are the predictable outcome.the numbers are not reliable.some staff are being refused time out to seek alternative emloyment-against both the law and the specific redundancy agreement.they are being bullied.senior managers are unwilling to vary anything about the 20minute interview to which each redundant worker is entitled.a certain key senior manager is more concerned with filing her nails or talking about sporting events than serious discussion with trades union officers in formal a single breath she casually refers to these"deleted"colleagues,and makes another 'phone call.this is crass insensitivity that reveals a profound contempt for human beings.
it is a pity that management in an activity that should be about work with vulnerable and sometimes difficult human beings,seems so incapable of showing even the palest reflection of the standards it expects from staff dealing with such a client group.....
today i attended my branch meeting,where a substantial eriod of time was devoted to what might prove a key,if not the only opportunity for comrades/my broters and sisters to share their pain and their feelings,let alone their opinions and ideas about defending their jobs and livelihoods,and fighting back.many struggle dto comprehend,many gave clear indications of distress and hurt.some were in tears.many were aghast,and there was plenty of controlled,intelligent rage too.
any euphoria about the olympics amongst my brothers and sisters was short lived,as the brutal reality crashes in on their is perfectly clear,if nothing else is that our employer simply does not care and does treat highly caring and professional people with contempt as if they were ants.
in atime of choosing sides that kind of management indicates very clearly whose side they are on,and is is not alongside working people.they may pose and pretend but they really do not and cannot understand the realities of our lives or what we do.....
solidarity with "the deleted"!it is very clear that we have more in common with"the indignant"and many others struggling elsewhere in both this society and across the world.
i am however confident that we will stand together and fight back,in any and every way we can!
in response totheir indifference-they need to know-we will not forgive or forget-and that we are coming!
living in such a society,poses the stark choice between barbarism and and alternative which values human beings and their creative self activity over profit and greed every time.we might well be living with the barbarism already.what they dont seem to realise is that the more they immiserate us into barbarism,the more likely the barbarism will engulf them matter how much money they accumulate,money will not save them from a barbarism far greater than anything they can visit on us.they cannot kill us all,adn we can choose to fight back!i will be working for that fight back-and we will bury them.
solidarity with"the deleted"!lotta continua!
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