Thursday, 10 January 2013

seething with rage and frustration

I've been locked out of my own blog for so long because its virtually impossible to access.

Is it all down to my age and stupidity?

Do those younger and more able people who live more easily with these technologies have some other way of thinking or what,because i simply fail to get it at all.

It leaves me seething with rage and frustration.

I've never been a particular fan or supporter of the alternative technology-environmental-green movements.I have a range of criticisms,but i will  try to stick with one here.I know that sometimes life and particular knowledges are complex and difficult,and we have to face up to that,but i still believe that what can be simple should be simple and,that even where it is not simple,it should as far as possible be accessible.Which brings me straight back to my starting point-that i think these computer focused technologies fail at  all levels.They are not accessible at all,and i notice often that even instructions written for idiots like me-what is on the paper page usually does not match what i am seeing on the computer,and that even if it does there is usually an instruction or a feature missing.

when for example,i visit my own site,usually intending to write something,what i get is not a dashboard but something that asks me to set up a blog,because i apparently do't have one,only to be told when i follow those  instructions that i cannot complete because someone already"has"what i'm trying  to access.

i'm left, as always mystified.The only help i have is two friends/comrades,one of whom helped me set up this blog in about 20 minutes after months spent hour by hour getting nowhere on my own.i feel fortunate that although they seem to work"deep in the labyrinth"that is IT,they both remain human beings who talk to me like we ARE on the same planet.Mostly talking to IT people,i know within seconds that I'm the alien from a galaxy far away from here.But then i knew that anyway

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