Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Olympics/Paralympics Legacy-Remember Atos

Whilst i dont believe in much of the language of evil,i find it very tempting to speak of Atos as exactly that-evil-because whilst i have an intellectual understanding of at least certain aspects of "the world"that understanding does notinclude accepting that things are neccessarrily what they appear. Other parts of me are still sometimes shocked,even though i gave up being a "reasonable" man many years ago,and announced this publicly quite recently.

By reasonableness,i mean the kind of response that gives everything the benefit of the doubt,accepts the sleight of hand that occurs in public discourse and the"that was then this is now"kind of attitude that cuts off chronology,let alone history in critical discussion and thought.

So i admit i am shocked by the evil of Atos and the hypocisy of a so-called government that allows Atos to sponsor the paralympics whilst continueing under government contracts to effectively hound people with disabilities from claiming or out of their entitlement to disability benefits of any and all kinds.

So i cant really do better than choose a starting  point here,than quoting the words of Neil Faulkner from a recent leaflet,in decribing Atos as"a global mega-corporation worth £8.5billion......Atos is paid £100million pa to test 11,000 sick and disabled people a week and judge whether they are"fit for work".Millionaire Tory chancellor George Osbourne's aim is to cut £18 billion in welfare benefits over 5 years.Atos is at the cutting edge of the Tory attack on the poor.
         Many of the disabled hounded and persecuted by Atos have already comitted suicide.A 1,000 have died of their illnesses since being deemed"fit for work"

I suggest that advocates of"Legacy"infected by the"feel-good"factor latched onto by commentators and politicians alike need to adjust their focus and take a more hard headed,forensic approach to the issue.

I hope that after the DPAC(DisabledPeople Aagsinst Cuts),UK Uncut,(and CON-Counter Olympics Network) week of action against Atos at the end of the paralympics we can continue to give Atos some hell.What i would certainly claim is that alongside the olympian feats of paralympian athletes,is the achievement of some of us"at the bottom of the pile"who on the Friday,managed to shut down the DWP(Department of Work and Pensions)at least for a few hours!


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