Wednesday, 26 September 2012

small Thoughts for a BIG World

Time is a strange thing to experience.

Subjectively,it seems to speed up when i am busy,or having fun and certainly as i get older.

I'm led to believe that this has an explanation,at least in part.When we are young everything is new,to us mentally and i guess physically too take in,breathe in,expeience every moment as fully as we are able.We are astonished by it, and it is all new experience.As we get older,we become familiar,perhaps over familiar with it-the world and or own experience of it-our senses take thinsg for granted,and we take in more sensory information,less carefully and at greater speed.I'm told that makes time seem to pass more quickly.

That said,I'm not sure where that all takes except that there are certainly times when events,sensory experience,life itself seems to be teeming around us.And despite getting older,with all that goes with it,experience  and time can still be perplexing,exciting,confusing.

Men,apparently,according to cod/pop psychology remain always partly boys.That might be true.What is certainly true for me,is that i still have a reaction to life  and the world that i was first conscious of as an adolescent,although im sure it goes back further,before i could identify and name it-that i remain curious about the world,and part of me still responds to things so i can't bear to miss anything!


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