Saturday, 22 September 2012

What Next For CON and ICON?

One of CONs(Counter Olympics Networks) achievements so far in its short life has been the establishment of an Internatonal.This is ICON/International Counter Olympics Network.It would seem obvious that CON should be its secretarait and its british section,as it is highly likely that the bristish section/CON is both the best placed practically and in terms of the historical-political situation at present.

It seems to me that CON is the first long term project relating directly to and critical of the Olympics.Previous campaigns to resist or successfuly reject the "Olympics invasion" have tended to fragment or dissipate once "mission accomplished".

CON has established itself as the first coalition which has gone on to consider developing a long term approach to both international issues alongside a range of issues that might be termed "legacy".In this sense it might be seen as the linchpin,apex or fulcrum of at least a useful experiment and which could potentially develop as an international movement of some significance.It has an opportunity over,i would suggest at least the next 4 or so years,in linking London to Socchi(Winter Games 2014)and Rio De Janeiro(Olympics/Paralympics 2016)as well as collecting the critical experiences of the past-and linking them across both time and space.

It will not be the first time that an international will have started in a small London meeting room and to have grown to much greater,significant stature and influence.Whilst this international,ICON may not attribute to itself a number,it might equally claim to join the fray for a critical approach to and an attempt to change at least one aspect of the world.What has been clear so far,is that CON has established itself as a unique coalition which has drawn together over 50 campaigning organisations and a lot of goodwill,which has enabled it to"punch well above its weight".I hope that the two related organisations will continue to thrive,and that we will also see the development of similar organisations in oter countries well beyond Socchi and Rio.Nothing in this life is predictable,and the future is like the past,a different country.We can but hope and work for that success.


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